The best "partner" of stainless steel tube welding technology about 304 years


In the laser welding industry, the use of laser welding stainless steel material workpiece manufacturers are very many, laser welding machine welding effect is very good, 304 stainless steel material natural use of laser welding is also a very good choice.


304 stainless steel as a kind of austenitic stainless steel, universal stainless steel material, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and no magnetic.Better corrosion resistance than 200 series stainless steel materials.High temperature resistance is also relatively good with good welding, welding cold crack and hot crack sensitivity is small, stamping bending and other thermal processing, no heat, can be high to 1000-1200 degrees.


Laser welding is made use of the excellent directivity and high power density of laser beam.By focusing laser beam in a small area through optical system, a highly concentrated heat source area is formed at the welding place in a very short time, so as to melt the welding object and form a solid welding spot and weld.There are two common laser welding methods: pulse laser welding and continuous laser welding.The former is mainly used in the welding of single fixed continuous and thin piece materials.The latter is mainly used for welding and cutting large and thick pieces.


一. features of laser welding processing methods:1, non-contact processing, do not need to pressurize the workpiece and surface treatment.2, small solder joint, high energy density, suitable for high-speed processing.3, short time welding, not only has no thermal impact on the outside world, but also has a small thermal deformation and thermal impact zone of the material itself, especially suitable for processing high melting point, high hardness, special materials.4. No need to fill metal, no need for vacuum environment (can be done directly in the air), no danger of producing X-ray in the air like electron beam.5. Compared with the contact welding process.No wear and tear of electrodes, tools, etc.6, no processing noise, no pollution to the environment.7, small workpiece can also be processed.In addition, it can be welded through the wall of transparent material.8. Remote parts, multi-channel simultaneous or time-sharing welding that are difficult to reach by common methods can be realized through optical fiber.9, it is easy to change the laser output focus and solder joint position.10. It is easy to be mounted on automata and robot devices.11, the conductor with insulation layer can be directly welding, for the performance of a large difference in the heterogeneous metals can also be welding.Ii. The main parameters that affect the quality of laser welding include welding current, pulse width and pulse frequency, etc. The main effects are as follows:1. With the increase of current, the width of the welding seam increases, the welding process gradually spatter, oxidation phenomenon on the surface of the welding seam, and roughness.2. With the increase of pulse width, the width of welding seam also increases.The change of pulse width has a significant effect on the welding effect of stainless steel ultra-thin plate laser welding machine.Small increase of pulse width may lead to oxidation and burning through of the sample.3. With the increase of pulse frequency, the overlap rate of solder joint increases, and the width of weld seam first increases.It basically stays the same.Under the microscope, the welding seam is more and more smooth and beautiful.However, when the pulse frequency increases to a certain value, the welding process splashes seriously, the weld becomes rough, and the upper and lower surfaces of the welding parts appear oxidation phenomenon.4. Laser welding of ultra-thin plate material is suitable for positive defocusing. Under the same amount of defocusing, the weld surface obtained by positive defocusing laser welding is smoother and more beautiful than that obtained by negative defocusing.

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